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⟩ On the test GUI there is Cancel button and the hot key for that is Alt-c?

On the test GUI there is Cancel button and the hot key for that is Alt-c. Alt-c & Alt-C (both lower & upper) should work and manually they are working fine....

Through automation, TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>") is working but TypeKeys ("<Alt-C>") is not working.....

I also tried with

Presskeys ("<CapsLock>")

TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>")

ReleaseKeys ("<CapsLock>")


Presskeys ("<Shift>")

TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>")

ReleaseKeys ("<Shift>")

but still no results.....

Any suggestion?

If your application is a standard application and the Keys are well defined, ideally it should work irrespective of ("<Alt-c>") and ("<Alt-C>") , as it seems not your case , so please try this.

SilkTest provides facilities to incorporate groups of keys that you want pressed simultaneously in the same set of angle brackets, and separate the keys with hyphens.So Please try this


neither TypeKeys ("<Alt-shift-c>") nor

TypeKeys ("<Alt-CapsLock-c>") nor

TypeKeys ("<Alt-CapsLockOn-c>") nor

TypeKeys ("<CapsLockOn>")

TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>")


Only TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>") works when CapsLock is off.....if I manually switch on the CapsLock and execute the same statement [TypeKeys ("<Alt-c>")] , it doesn't work.....


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