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⟩ How to validate that the data inserted via silktest is successfully inserted and the record of each user is found in the database?

Using silk test to create automated user registration application. How to validate that the data inserted via silktest is successfully inserted and the record of each user is found in the database?


After inserting the record at the same time you can check that the record has been inserted or not.... say you are inserting the record with Insert statement (SQL) and after insert statement you can validate whether the select statement returns any record or not. If it returns the proper record, proceed or display error or whatever you wan't to do..


You can use database functions to connecto to your database and veryfy the data against the submitted data in the registration screen.

SilkTest supports relational data bases so you connect then through ODBC. check the help for db_connect(),db_fetch() etc. funtions


Your intention is to verify the data integrity in the DB for a single registration. There are couple of ways to do that. One being, if you have a list of registrations provided from UI, after the registration is done successfully, go the listing page and select the particular record and go to the properties of it and compare the values against the corresponding values given during the filling of registration form. The second way is that, try to write a query(as simple stored procedure) in the db that displays all the values for a single registration and call that stored procedure from silk test using data driven functions. For the help on data driven functions, refer to the online help. This is the only best way to learn silk test. You'll not find code samples on net.


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