
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Can you explain what are various ways to enhance the SSRS report?

There are various ways in which you can enhance your report:

1. Display your data in graphic format using Chart Region.

2. Use sorting.

3. If couple of reports are related, you can make them interactive using connect them using bookmark link, hyper link or drill through report link.

4. Adding sub-report. Sub-report is a stand-alone report which can be link to another report based on its content using parameter.

5. Add custom fields. Custom fields provide with same functionality as alias columns provide in SQL server query. It is the timing of the operation that differs from the alias columns. The calculation is performed on dataset by report server.

6. Using expression.

7. Using custom code. SSRS allows including custom code written in VB.Net. 8. Add document map (navigational links to report item once report is rendered) to report.


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