
Question and Answer:

  Home  Test Plan

⟩ What is The Sample of the test plan?


Submitted to: [Name] [Address]

Submitted by: [Name] [Address]

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Approvals: [Person Name] [Person Title] [Business Name]

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

* Purpose

* Scope

2. Applicability

* Applicable Documents

* Documents

3. Program Management and Planning

* The SQA Plan

* Organization

* Tasks

4. Software Training

* SQA Personnel

* Software Developer Training Certification

5. SQA Program Requirements

* Program Resources Allocation Monitoring

* SQA Program Audits

1. Scheduled Audits

2. Unscheduled Audits

3. Audits of the SQA Organization

4. Audit Reports

* SQA Records

* SQA Status Reports

* Software Documentation

* Requirements Traceability

* Software Development Process

* Project reviews

1. Formal Reviews

2. Informal Reviews

* Tools and Techniques

* Software Configuration Management

* Release Procedures

* Change Control

* Problem Reporting

* Software Testing

1. Unit Test

2. Integration Test

3. System Testing

4. Validation Testing

Attachment 1 Coding Documentation Guidelines

Attachment 2 Testing Requirements


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