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⟩ What is cursor in MS SQL Server?

A Cursor is a database object that represents a result set and is used to manipulate data row by row.

When a cursor is opened, it is positioned on a row and that row is available for processing.

SQL Server supports three types of cursor namely Transact-SQL server cursor, API server cursor, and client cursor.

Transact-SQL Server cursors use Transact-SQL statements and are declared using DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Transact-SQL Server cursors can be used in Transact-SQL scripts, stored procedures, and triggers.

Transact-SQL cursors are implemented on the server.

You can fetch only one row at a time in Transact-SQL Server cursors.

You can use FETCH statements with Transact-SQL cursors to retrieve rows from a cursor’s result set.

API server cursors support the API cursor functions.

API server cursors are implemented on the server.

API server cursors support fetching blocks of rows with each fetch.

A cursor fetches multiple rows at a time is called a block cursor


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