⟩ Which of the given Wrapping styles follows the curve of the object? a Square b Square Straddle Text c Contour d All of the above.
b: Square Straddle Text
b: Square Straddle Text
The load cup of a screw jack is made separate from the head of the spindle to A. enhance the load carrying capacity of the jack B. reduce the effort needed for lifting the working load C. prevent the rotation of load being lifted D. reduce the value of frictional torque
The difference between the tooth space and the tooth thickness as measured on the pitch circle, is called A. working depth B. clearance C. face width D. backlash
The radial distance of a tooth from the pitch circle to the top of the tooth is called A. dedendum B. addendum C. clearance D. working depth
A steel containing more than 0.8% carbon is known as eutectoid steel. A. Yes B. No
A transmission shaft includes A. counter shaft B. line shaft C. over head shaft D. all of these
Soderberg relation is based on __________ of the material whereas all other failure relation for dynamic loading are based on ultimate strength of the material. A. elastic strength B. yield strength C. shear strength
A locking device extensively used in marine type connecting rod ends is a A. jam nut B. castle nut C. sawn nut D. ring nut
Circumferential joint in boilers is used to get the required length of a boiler. A. True B. False
When the bearing is subjected to large fluctuations of load and heavy impacts, the bearing characteristic number should be __________ the bearing modulus. A. 5 times B. 10 times C. 15 times D. 20 times
In an ordinary bolt, the effect of the impulsive loads applied axially is concentrated on the cross-sectional area at the root of the threads. A. Yes B. No