⟩ Explain What are the standard Port numbers?
SMTP - 25,
POP3 - 110,
IMAP4 - 143,
RPC - 135,
LDAP - 389,
SSL - 443,
HTTP - 80,
RDP - 3389,
DNS - 53,
DHCP - 67,68,
Secure LDAP - 636,
Kerberos - 88,
NNTP - 119,
TFTP - 69,
SNMP - 161.
SMTP - 25,
POP3 - 110,
IMAP4 - 143,
RPC - 135,
LDAP - 389,
SSL - 443,
HTTP - 80,
RDP - 3389,
DNS - 53,
DHCP - 67,68,
Secure LDAP - 636,
Kerberos - 88,
NNTP - 119,
TFTP - 69,
SNMP - 161.
What is a Database Server?
What are all the Extended services provided by the OS?
What are Triggers and Rules?
What is meant by Transparency?
What are TP-Lite and TP-Heavy Monitors?
What are the two types of OLTP?
What is a Web server?
What are Super servers?
What is a TP Monitor?
TP Monitor does mainly two things extremely well. They are Process management and Transaction management?