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⟩ Define domain Trees in Active Directory?

Tree is a hierarchical arrangement of W2K domains that share a contiguous name space. The first domain in a domain tree is called the root domain. Additional domains in the same domain tree are child domains. A domain immediately above another domain in the same domain tree is referred to as the parent of the child domain. The name of the chills domain is combined with its parent domain to form its DNS name. Every child domain has a two two-way, transitive trust relationship with its parent domain Because these trust relationships are two-way and transitive, a Windows 2000 domain newly created in a domain tree or forest immediately has trust relationships established with every other Windows 2000 domain in the domain tree or forest.

These trust relationships allow a single logon process to authenticate a user on all domains in the domain tree or forest. This does not necessarily mean that the authenticated user has rights and permissions in all domains in the domain tree. Because a domain is a security boundary, rights and permissions must be assigned on a per-domain basis.


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