
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Digital Router Related Interview Questions

☛ What is ISUP protocol?

☛ Why CPG message is required in ISUP protocol?

☛ If RF power is good then what is the best Rx and Tx power?

☛ What do you mean by TSCM?

☛ Which frequency is used in voice sampling?

☛ What is SS-7 signaling system?

☛ Where memory is allocated for variables in a program?

☛ What are various statuses of kernel?

☛ What is the maximum decimal place which can be accommodated in a byte?

☛ How personal computer can act as terminal?

☛ How connection is established in Datagram?

☛ What is the time for 1 satellite hop in voice communication?

☛ What is the maximum number of satellite hops allowed in voice communication?

☛ How many channels a 2MB PCM (pulse code modulation) has?

☛ What action is taken when the processor under execution is interrupted by a non-mask able interrupt?

☛ How much voltage is required in subscriber loop connected to local exchange?

☛ How many T1 facilities the company needs between its office and the PSTN if it has 47 digital telephones, each operating at 64kbps?

☛ What is the type of signaling used between two exchanges?

☛ Where conditional results after execution of an instruction in a micro processor are stored?

☛ What is line of sight?

☛ Why can I get the 512k service but not the 1Mb or 8Mb Broadband service?

☛ What is Buffering?


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