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⟩ What are network topologies? Explain Ring, Bus and Star topology.

A network topology describes the layout of a network. It describes how different nodes and elements are connected to each other. Different types of topology:

a. Ring:-

* All nodes connected with another in a loop.

* Each device is connected to one or more another device on either side.

b. Bus

* All nodes connected to a central and a common cable called as a back bone.

* In bus topology, the server is at one end and the clients are connected at different positions across the network.

* Easy to manage and install.

* If the backbone fails, the entire communication fails.

c. Star

* All nodes connected to a central hub.

* The communication between the nodes is through the hub.

* Relative requires more cables as compared to BUS. However if any node fails, it wont affect the entire LAN.


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