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⟩ I am in the third year of civil engineering. I would like to know to know which elective should i choose as per their respective scopes from Environmental engineering, Geo technical engineering or Structural engineering. Also i would like to know what course should i pursue in order to gain maximum monetary returns, i.e should i go for MBA or M.Tech.also i would like to go to Australia for future job prospects. Please kindly advice me on this topic?

selecting a elective depend on ur interest ,nyway now a days geotech and structural engg has got great demand in india and abroad( has also demand 4 evrnmnt),doing mba / depend on wether u want to be core or change the field wht i suggest is construction tech and mangmnt as whh is in demand now offered @ iitd n iitm look at whh gives sponsership to this programm @ iitd n iitm


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