⟩ CAD software is most likely to be used by a. Web designer b. Engineers c. Project Manager d. Magazine Editor
b. Engineers
b. Engineers
Which command is used to see the disk volume label? a. Ver b. Vol c. Version d. Volume
What will be the output of the command prompt $l$p$g? a. <c> b. C> c. C>> d. C<>
What is the switch that is used to make sure that the copy command copied files correctly? a. /a b. /c c. /s d. /v
Which command can be used to create the disk's tracks and sectors? a. Fdisk b. Format c. Chkdsk d. Attrib
Which among the following are the best tools for fixing errors on disks? a. Fdisk b. Scandisk c. Chkdsk d. Fixdsk
Which command in DOS is used to display the version of MSDOS? a. VERSION b. VERIFY c. VER d. VERSN
Which command is used to copy all files from drive a with extension .txt to the currently logged drive and directory? a. Copy a. *.txt b. Copy *.txt a c. Copy *.txt c d. Copy *.txt all.txt
Which command is used to see the sub-directory structure of drive? a. Tree b. List c. Subdir d. Subtree
Which command is used to see the contents of a file? a. Type b. Copy c. Ed d. None of above
Which command is used to create root directory and FAT on disk? a. Chkdsk b. Command.com c. Format d. Fat