⟩ In vi editor, the key combination CTRL+f a) moves screen down one page b) moves screen up one page c) moves screen up one line d) moves screen down one line
a) moves screen down one page
a) moves screen down one page
Why have you choosen such a combination of products?
Which Linux distros do you have experience with?
What are the Advantages and disadvantages of script vs compiled program?
Which file contains the filesystems to be automatically mounted during boot? a) /etc/mount b) /etc/fstab c) /etc/inittab d) /etc/boot
Nohup is used to a) automatically hang up the process after logout b) continue the process after logout c) create backgroung process d) manually hang up the process after logout
Which command can be executed by a user who is already logged into the system, in order to change to the root user? (type the command without any parameters) a) su b) root c) chroot d) user
Which command is used to bring the background process to forground? a) bg b) fg c) background d) forground
The encrypted password of a user is stored in a) /etc/shadow b) /etc/enpasswwd c) /etc/.passwd d) /etc/passwd
What does the following command do? who | wc -l a) List the number of users logged in b) List the users c) List the number of users in the system d) Display the content of who command
Which of the following files need to be referred for user's secondary group? a) /etc/passwd b) /etc/shadow c) /etc/group d) /etc/profile