⟩ Which gcc option undefined a pre-processor macro? a) -U b) -u c) -undefine d) none of the mentioned
a) -U
a) -U
The /etc/passwd file doesn't contain a) userid b) home directory for a user c) login shell name d) None of the above
The login shell is a) The shell program that runs when the user logs in b) The shell program that authenticates the user while logging in c) Common shell for all the users that belong to the same group d) None of the above
By default, a Linux user falls under which group? a) staff b) others c) same as userid (UPG) d) system
Which of the following command can be used to change the user password? a) User can't change the password b) passwd c) passd d) pwd
What is a context switch? a) Kernel switches from executing one process to another. b) Process switches from kernel mode to user mode. c) Process switches from user mode to kernel mode. d) None of the above
What is the default maximum number of processes that can exist in Linux? a) 32768 b) 1024 c) 4096 d) unlimited
Which option of rmdir command will remove all directories a, b, c if path is a/b/c a) -b b) -o c) -p d) -t
How do you get parent process identification number? a) waitpid b) getpid() c) getppid() d) parentid()
Pid of init process a) 0 b) 1 c) 32767 d) none of the above
How many times printf() will be executed in the below mentioned program? main() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) fork(); printf("my pid = %dn", getpid()); } a) 4 b) 8 c) 16 d) 32