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⟩ What are the main diff between NFS and Samba Servers?

The difference between Samba and NFS is primarily that Samba

uses the SMB (aka Lanmanager) protocol which is considered

"standard" for PCs (Windows and OS/2 both have built in

support for it, a free client is also available for DOS, I'm

not sure about MacOS), whereas NFS uses its own protocol

(usually just called "NFS") which is not commonly available

for PCs (NFS clients do exist for operating systems other

than UNIX/Linux, but they're

usually neither free or easy to setup).

Samba's SMB protocol allows the server machine to handle

authentication, so it can decide what files the client has

access to based on the particular machine and user

connecting. NFS by default trusts all client machines

completely (it's really not intended to share files to

unsecured workstations) and lets the client machines handle

authentication all on their own (once an NFS server has been

told to accept connections from a client machine the client

does not require any further server-side authentication, and

can do anything it wants with the filesystem NFS gives it

access to).

SMB does not (directly) support UNIX style file permissions,

so it is probably a bad idea to routinely use it to map

filesystems between machines which expect this information

to be present and mutable, NFS of course supports all

standard UNIX file information (this also means that SMB is

fine for accessing a UNIX filesystem from a Windows machine,

but not so hot the other way around).

Network File System (also known as NFS) is a protocol

developed by Sun Microsystems. It allows a user on a

computer to access files that are sent across a network –

similar to the way one accesses local storage. It is most

common in systems with a similar composition to the UNIX system

Samba is a re-implementation of SMB/CIFS networking protocol

(meaning a re-imaging of Server Message Block – or Common

Internet File System). As with the NFS, Samba runs most

naturally on a system with qualities not unlike those of the

UNIX systems. It comes standard with almost every

distribution of Linux, and is used as a basic system service

on all other UNIX-based systems.

a. NFS is a protocol that allows a user to access files over

a network; Samba is essentially a re-imaging of the Common

Internet File System.

b. NFS has four versions, the newest of which includes a

stateful protocol; Samba has multiple versions, the latest

of which allows file and print sharing between multiple



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