⟩ How to install Linux OS along with fedora 14 OS in one System?
We can make free space in hard disk and install new OS in
that free space.
Another way can be by installing Vm Manager an then
installing new OS on it.
We can make free space in hard disk and install new OS in
that free space.
Another way can be by installing Vm Manager an then
installing new OS on it.
What is the output of the following program? b = [ -n $b ] echo $? [ -z $b ] echo $? a) 1 1 b) 2 2 c) 0 0 d) 0 1
What is the output of the following code os=Unix echo 1.$os 2."$os" 3.'$os' 4.$os a) 1.Unix 2.Unix 3.Unix 4.Unix b) 1.Unix 2.Unix 3.$os 4.Unix c) 1.Unix 2.Unix 3.Unix 4.$os d) 1.Unix 2.$os 3.$os 4.$os
Create a new file "new.txt" that is a concatenation of "file1.txt" and "file2.txt"? a) cp file.txt file2.txt new.txt b) cat file1.txt file2.txt > new.txt c) mv file[12].txt new.txt d) ls file1.txt file2.txt | new.txt
What will be output of following command $ echo "The process id is" $$$$ a) The process id is $$ b) The process id is $<pid>$<pid> c) The process id is <pid><pid> d) The process id is $$$$
What is the return value ($?) of this code os = Unix [$osName = UnixName] && exit 2 [${os}Name = UnixName] && exit 3 a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
Which of these is not a valid variable in bash a) __ (double underscore) b) _1var (underscore 1 var ) c) _var_ (underscore var underscore) d) some-var (some hyphen var)
How do you print the lines between 5 and 10, both inclusive? a) cat filename | head | tail -6 b) cat filename | head | tail -5 c) cat filename | tail +5 | head d) cat filename | tail -5 | head -10
What would be the current working directory at the end of the following command sequence? $ pwd /home/user1/proj $ cd src $ cd generic $ cd . $ pwd a) /home/user1/proj b) /home/user1/proj/src c) /home/user1 d) /home/user1/proj/src/generic
Tell me which of the following commands allows definition and assignment of environment variables under bash a) env b) export c) environ d) setenviron
The redirection 2> abc implies a) Write file 2 to file abc b) Write standard output to abc c) Write standard error to abc d) none of the mentioned