
Question and Answer:

  Home  Linux Signal Handling

⟩ What is the output of this program? #include<stdio.h> #include<signal.h> void response (int); void response (int sig_no) { printf("%sn",sys_siglist[sig_no]); } int main() { pid_t child; int status; child = fork(); switch(child){ case -1 perror("fork"); case 0 break; default signal(SIGCHLD,response); wait(&status); break; } } a) this program will print nothing b) this program will print "Child Exited" c) segmentation fault d) none of the mentioned

b) this program will print "Child Exited"


The child process sends SIGCHILD signal to its parent as it terminates.


[root@localhost google]# gcc -o san san.c

[root@localhost google]# ./san

Child exited

[root@localhost google]#


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