⟩ The core data structure of device driver model is a) kobject b) kfile c) kmodule d) none of the mentioned
a) kobject
a) kobject
The directory /srv contains a) site-specific data which is served by the system b) all the system files c) all the service files provided by the specific user d) none of the mentioned
Any file or directory present in the ______ directory may not be reserved between the invocation of the program. a) /var b) /tmp c) /etc d) all of the mentioned
Which one of the following is not true about proc filesystem? a) proc filesystem is a pseudo-filesystem b) proc filesystem is used as an interface to kernel data structures c) some files in proc filesystem allow kernel variables to be changed d) none of the mentioned
Proc file system provides the information about a) processes b) processor c) proxy server d) none of the mentioned
The /proc directory contains a) numerical sub-directory for each running process b) sub-directories for installed buses c) a text listing of filesystems which are supported by the kernel d) all of the mentioned
The file /proc/[PID]/cgroups a) describes control groups to which the process belongs b) contains the information about all groups of the system c) provides the information about the group which has generated the process d) none of the mentioned
The file /proc/[PID]/cmdline holds the complete command line for the process, unless the process is a a) child process b) zombie process c) orphan process d) none of the mentioned
The entry for each file opened by the process is present in a) /proc/[PID]/fd b) /proc/[PID]/file c) /proc/[PID]/maps d) none of the mentioned
The file /proc/[PID]/limits displays the ______ for each of the process's resource limits. a) hard limit b) soft limit c) units of measurement d) all of the mentioned
The file /proc/[PID]/maps contains the a) currently mapped memory regions b) available memory regions c) memory regions which are free to map d) none of the mentioned