⟩ What does chmod +t do? a) wrong syntax b) set effective userid for filename c) set effective groupid for filename d) set the sticky bit
d) set the sticky bit
d) set the sticky bit
In GCC compiler, "-shared" option is given to create the shared library with a) source files b) object files c) executables d) none of the mentioned
After using the shared library, memory can be done free by calling a) dlclose b) slclose c) lclose d) none of the mentioned
When a program is linked with a shared library a) only a small table is created in the executable b) executable contains the whole content of respective .so file c) executable contains nothing related with the shared libraries d) none of the mentioned
For a shared library, version number is changed when a) changes done in code make the shared library incompatible with the previous version b) changes done in code does not make the shared library incompatible with the previous version c) when minor number is changed d) none of the mentioned
Which command can be used to update the shared library system? a) lconfig b) ldconfig c) slconfig d) none of the mentioned
Shared libraries are linked with the program a) at the time of creation of executable b) at the run time c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
Which option of GCC compiler provides the linking with shared libraries? a) -lmylib b) -lib c) -mylib d) none of the mentioned
In Linux, the static library has the extension of a) .a b) .b c) .c d) .d
In linux, the static libraries are mostly installed in a) /usr/lib b) /usr/local/lib c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the mentioned
Explain What is a lookup table in database? where can we use these type of table?