⟩ Explain What are the dictionary tables used to monitor a database spaces?
DBA_DATA_FILES is view to show the space for the tablespace
if you want the calulate the space of the database the all
tablespace size is the database size.
DBA_DATA_FILES is view to show the space for the tablespace
if you want the calulate the space of the database the all
tablespace size is the database size.
How to use SQL to build SQL, what is this called and give an example?
Explain What is the output of SIGN function?
Explain What is meant by Scrollable cursor?
Explain what are the different Oracle Kernel Layers?
Tell me what are the two types of Server Configurations?
Tell me the names of ORACLE Background Process?
What is Server Process in Oracle System Architecture?
What is User Process in Oracle System Architecture?
Tell me what is Dedicated Server Configuration?
Do you know what is a Parallel Server option in ORACLE?