
Question and Answer:

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⟩ What are phetom item? How are they user in business case?

It is the non-stockable item .phantom items are treated

just like assemblies except that the phantom item itself

does not show up when an assembly is exploded. The child

items of the phantom are blown through and appear as

children of the parent item to the phantom.

For example, I have an assembly called 5887M which contains

a phantom item called 445-0001. When I add the 5887M to a

work order and explode the 5887M ,the 445-0001 will not

appear in the pick list, but it's children will appear.

ERP handles phantom items in work orders in the following

way. A phantom item will be exploded so that all it's

child items will be in the work order. After the work order

is exploded, you will notice that the phantom item will not

appear in the exploded BOM of the work order.


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