
Question and Answer:

  Home  Executive Forklift

⟩ Questions To Ask a Forklift Executive?

► What are your career goals?

► What do you do when priorities within warehouse operations change quickly?

► What kind of decisions do you find it most difficult to make?

► Have you ever made a suggestion regarding how to improve safety in the warehouse or improve loading/unloading procedures? What was it and was it implemented? What was the result?

► What do you do when your boss asks you to do something with which you disagree?

► How do let any subordinates know what you want them to do/

► Are you ever hoping to move into management?

► What types of situations do you find stressful? How do you handle the stress?

► Describe a situation in which you had to compromise either with your supervisor, a colleague or client.

► Why should we hire you over someone else/what do you bring to this position that others don't?

► Give me an example of when you did more than was asked/required of you?

► Why are you leaving your current job? Why did you leave your last job?

► How do you see the position of forklift operator contributing to a company's success?

► Have you ever had a difficult manager? How did you deal with it?

► What salary do you expect?

► Where do you want your career to be in five years?


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