⟩ Tell me if I do not pass a practical skills examination, can I retake it?
This differs slightly for each certification level. Please refer to the appropriate certification booklet for clear examination requirements.
This differs slightly for each certification level. Please refer to the appropriate certification booklet for clear examination requirements.
There are a number of pawpaw trees growing in a forested area on property I own in Indiana, but I rarely see any fruit on them. How can I get the trees to produce fruit?
Is there such a thing as a vegetable called a pregnant onion?
I used to buy a spice called star anise at the local health food store. I believe it was actually the dried seed head of the plant. What is the “real” name of the plant?
I recently purchased a Japanese persimmon, and a reference I consulted said it could produce parthenocarpic fruits. Does this mean it is self-pollinating?
Can you tell me how to germinate seeds from a plant commonly referred to as bat plant (Tacca chanteri and Tacca nivea)?
I have a Dieffenbachia at home and have found that it is causing a skin rash when I touch it. Is it possible that I am having an allergic reaction to my plant?
How do I propagate a gardenia using cuttings from a large gardenia bush?
I’ve moved a big hibiscus that was outdoors all summer into our south bay window. It’s still putting out blossoms, but the leaves are dropping.
I’m looking for a house plant that doesn’t need sunlight but gives off lots of fresh oxygen. What do you recommend?
How do I take care of a Moses-in-the-cradle plant?