⟩ Tell me how often should I conduct fire and disaster drills?
You must conduct fire drills on a monthly basis and disaster drills every three months.
You must conduct fire drills on a monthly basis and disaster drills every three months.
Do you think that technology can help to achieve better efficiency at work? And can you give me an example to explain your thinking?
In home design, what is the most common thing people want remodeled?
What are some things I can do in High School to prepare me to study Interior Design in College?
What are some difficulties of being an interior designer?
Do you think that even with the economy now, Interior Designers have job security?
What is the starting salary of an Interior Designer?
If you are self employed, what were some things that you did to get your name out? if not, what do you think are some good strategies to do so?
What kind of things do you learn/do in college to prepare yourself to be an Interior Designer?
What is a typical day like for an Interior Designer?
Tell me about a time when a colleague strongly disagreed with your views, ideas, or way of working? What kind of relationship can you develop with such a person?