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⟩ What do you use to prime your figures? Do you prime black or prime white?

Choice of primer color should not be an "all or nothing" affair. For figures that use a lot of metallics, I use black. For figures using lots of lighter colors (perhaps white robes) or NMM, I use white. All of my bases are primed black before drybrushing. And for most of my figures, I will prime different parts of the model with different colors (for example, I will mask off faces on black primed models, and prime the face white - flesh is hard to paint over black). I use spray cans (GW black primer is excellent, but I dislike their white), airbrush priming (for nice smooth consistency, I only do batches of figures with the airbrush due to setup time) and brush-on priming (usually Vallejo White GameColor primer).


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