⟩ What topics are addressed during the training class?
The items covered in the welding training class include:
* Modify an existing welding program and correct errors
* Use selected edit functions
* Write a job using sequence commands
* Modify a job
* Operate a job using control panel and teach pendant
* Recall system set / advanced functions using teach pendant
* Recall system data using teach pendant
* Use upload / download software
* Teach weld program
* Modify weld program using override function
* How to change batteries
* Power up / power down
* Recall teach pendant, control panel keys & switch functions
* Select operate and teach using the control panel & teach pendant
* Perform tool alignment
* Move robot axis using various coordinate systems
* Program Teaching
- Linear Program
- Circular Program
- Linear Weave Program
- Circular Weave Program
* Program Modification
- Linear Program
- Circular Program
- Linear Weave Program
- Circular Weave Program
* Program Operation
- Linear Program
- Circular Program
- Linear Weave Program
- Circular Weave Program