⟩ What is HTTP Client Libraries?
cURL is, more often than not, the HTTP client solution of choice for PHP developers.
To experiment with the different request methods, you need a client, which allows you to specify which method to use. Unfortunately, HTML forms do not fit the bill, as they only allow you to make GET and POST requests. In real life, APIs are accessed programmatically through a separate client application, or through JavaScript in the browser.
This is the reason why, in addition to the server, it is essential to have good HTTP client capabilities available in your programming language of choice.
A very popular HTTP client library is, again, cURL. You've already been familiarized with the cURL command from earlier in this tutorial. cURL includes both a standalone command line program, and a library that can be used by various programming languages. In particular, cURL is, more often than not, the HTTP client solution of choice for PHP developers. Other languages, such as Python, offer more native HTTP client libraries.