⟩ Explain what is assessment requirement?
Assessment requirement represents requirements that are children of analysis requirement and at lower level in tree hierarchy.
Assessment requirement represents requirements that are children of analysis requirement and at lower level in tree hierarchy.
Explain me about any on-the-job training you have received. How will that training benefit you here?
Explain what are QA/QC's ITP's and QCP? Give a brief?
Tell me what are test driver and test stub and why it is required?
Explain what do you like least about being a Quality Control Inspector?
Tell us what is the most rewarding part of being a Quality Control Inspector?
Tell me what are the tools used by a tester while testing?
Tell me the roles of software Quality Assurance engineer?
What are the automation challenges that QA team faces while testing?
Tell me what is ISO? Explain some of its standards?
Explain me an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it?