⟩ Tell me what are the phases of test management with Quality Center in order?
There are 5 phases: Specify releases, Specify requirements, Plan tests, Execute tests, Track defects.
There are 5 phases: Specify releases, Specify requirements, Plan tests, Execute tests, Track defects.
Tell us what is the most rewarding part of being a Quality Control Inspector?
Tell me what are the tools used by a tester while testing?
Tell me the roles of software Quality Assurance engineer?
What are the automation challenges that QA team faces while testing?
Tell me what is ISO? Explain some of its standards?
Explain me an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it?
Tell me what is ITPs? What is hold points?
Explain what is bug leakage and bug release?
Tell me what is configuration management?
Explain what is final RFI? When it shall be raised up?