⟩ Lets suppose your car breaks down on the way to work, what would you do?
I would leave the car securely parked, and take a taxi or public transportation.
I would leave the car securely parked, and take a taxi or public transportation.
Tell us how would your co-workers describe you?
Tell us how do you react to problems?
Tell us what do you think makes for a successful rep coaching session?
What are your weaknesses as Area Sales Manager?
Explain me what do you like about your present job?
Explain me what's the ideal relationship between sales and marketing, and how do you operationalize that?
As you know we are a fast moving company and things are always changing, how do you think you will fit in with our ever changing and fast paced environment?
Tell me what do you think it takes in terms of skills and qualifications to be a successful sales rep in this organization?
As you know you have changed jobs five times in the past five years, why should we think you are likely to stay here for a long time?
Fresh Area Sales Manager Job Interview Questions