⟩ Tell me have you eaten at our restaurant before?
yes I have , I enjoy food and always interested in trying different types of , restaurants are good places to explore varieties of food and cooking ways
yes I have , I enjoy food and always interested in trying different types of , restaurants are good places to explore varieties of food and cooking ways
Explain me about a sales experience that demonstrates your work ethic?
Explain me what do you enjoy about the industry you are in?
Explain me what is your viewpoint of management?
Tell me what have you found to be the most important skills in closing a sale?
What is the biggest mistake you have ever made as Area Sales Manager?
Tell me what is your definition of success?
Tell us what training method is most effective for new reps?
Tell us what's your current salary?
Tell me should reps get warm leads or build their own pipelines?
Tell me is cold calling dead?