⟩ What is team leader?
The sales manager is the team leader for the sales team and should possess all the qualities that a team leader should have.
The sales manager is the team leader for the sales team and should possess all the qualities that a team leader should have.
If you were hired as Country Sales Executive, what would you do in your first month?
Tell me what is your opinion of the role of learning in sales?
What do you think it takes in terms of skills and qualifications to be a successful sales rep in this organization?
Who are you most comfortable selling to and why?
Pretend I'm a sales rep who has missed quota three months in a row and I'm here for a one-on-one. What would you say during the meeting?
Explain how to keep up to date on your target market?
What do you think our company sales organization could do better?
What made you successful as a sales rep? How will your processes inform how you manage your team?
Tell me In your last position, how much time did you spend cultivating customer relationships vs hunting for new clients, and why?
What's your least favorite part of the sales process?