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⟩ Explain me your typical day as an employee?

Typical day would be clocking in. Being a delivery driver, my main focuses are to get the dough done and staying up on the dishes. First thing I do is go in there and see how much dough is prepped for the next day and how much is left to do. I see how the dishes are, and I got to get those dirty pans washed and sanitized before I can use the dough out of the freezer. I got to get the pans washed so we can reuse them. Then, I just pay attention to what deliveries need to go out and I take the deliveries out, come back. Same thing as I said before, dishes and dough. Around closing time, you start doing the final cleanup; take out trash, haul the boxes out to the dumpster, sweep and mop, and call it a day.


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