
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Basic Common Regional Sales Manager Job Interview Questions

☛ Please tell us briefly about yourself ( To make him comfortable)

☛ Why did you chose sales (profession for which the interview is being conducted) as your profession. ( Answer to this question will give an idea about his motivations,his personality traits )

☛ What aspects of your job you like the most?

☛ (Answer to this question will highlight his areas of concern as these aspects of job can act as de-motivators for him)

☛ What aspects of your job you do not like?

☛ (Answer to this question will highlight his areas of liking as these aspects of job can act as motivators for him)

☛ Which habits of your previous Boss you liked.?

☛ Which habits of your previous Boss you did not like.?

☛ Please tell us about the three mistakes that you have made in your career so far.?

☛ ( Everyone makes mistakes, and only those people do mistakes who act )

☛ What have been your learning from these mistakes?

☛ How do you motivate your team members?

☛ Please explain your working day in detail.

☛ What do you think are expectations of your boss from you?

☛ What are your expectations from your subordinates?

☛ What are expectations of your team members from you?

☛ How do you supervise your team.

☛ What is your way of achieving month targets.?

☛ (Answer to this question will give an inkling about his job knowledge and his planning and supervision skills. Answers to question no. 14 and 15 should match)

☛ How do you motivate your distributors?

☛ (Again it will test his job knowledge )

☛ How many of your team members achieve targets? ( This will show his team handling, team supervision and team motivation abilities )

☛ How you deal with those team members who achieve targets.?

☛ (It will showcase his motivational skills )

☛ How you deal with those team members who do not achieve targets.?

☛ (It will showcase his problem identification skills, people skills and problem solving skills.

☛ How you deal with those Distributors who achieve targets.?

☛ (It will showcase his relationship skills)

☛ How you deal with those Distributors who do not achieve targets.?

☛ ( It will showcase his problem identification skills, analytical skills, & decision making skills)

☛ Strong points of your personality. ( will showcase his self-awareness)

☛ Weak points of your personality. (will showcase his self-awareness)

☛ Why you decide to leave an organization. ( This will give an idea about his deep rooted reasons and his motivations)


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