
Question and Answer:

  Home  Sales Auditor

⟩ General Sales Auditor Job Interview Questions

☛ What kind of sales did you do at your last company?

☛ What was the size of your team at your last company?

☛ What was your sales quota?

☛ How did you generate leads?

☛ Describe the sales process at your last company. What worked well? What didn't work well?

☛ Describe a time when a sales process was changed. Why did it change? What was the result?

☛ Describe your product to me. What are the benefits? Who are your customers?

☛ Why do customers buy your product? What are the alternatives?

☛ Describe your customers' buying decision process. Who approves or blocks the buying decision? What do you need to line up to close the sale?

☛ What kinds of questions do you ask your customer to find out what they need?

☛ At what point do you stop pursuing a potential customer?

☛ How do you stay current on your customers and product?


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