⟩ Tell me when did you decide you wanted to become a painter?
It was introduced to me as a boy since my grandfather and uncles were painters. In 2004, I decided to focus 100% of my attention on making my career as a Painter.
It was introduced to me as a boy since my grandfather and uncles were painters. In 2004, I decided to focus 100% of my attention on making my career as a Painter.
Tell me why paint extender is used for painting?
Tell me do you have any problems climbing tall ladders?
Tell us how you would paint if you are using a brush and not roller for painting?
Tell me what is it that inspires you to paint what you paint?
Tell me how you can prevent color slipping into trim area that is covered with tape?
Explain me have you ever been faced a situation when you felt that you had failed?
Tell me do you have experience using a lift or a boom?
Explain me what is your most challenging piece of work you have completed?
Tell us working as a painter requires a lot of physical stamina. How do you keep up?
Tell me what do you know about pre-painting duties of a painter?