⟩ How did you manage to attend this interview during your working hours?
Everybody knows that you would not ask permission from your boss to appear for an interview.......
Everybody knows that you would not ask permission from your boss to appear for an interview.......
If your last boss was present here, what do you think he would tell us about you?
Why do you want to leave your present job or why did you leave your last job?
Tell me are you ambitious?
Please explain has anything ever irritated you about people you've worked with?
Suppose your previous co-workers were here, tell me what would they say about you?
Tell me what original graphics for ads have you created?
So, tell us a little bit about yourself?
Have you ever made a mistake at work? How did you rectify it?
Explain what work can you show us that uses custom fonts?
Explain me a suggestion you have made that was implemented?