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⟩ Tell me we would like to know how you determine how old soil is?

Soil scientists agree that soils form over time as the climate (temperature, rain, wind, etc.), topography (shape of the landscape), parent material (weathered rocks or stuff deposited by wind, water, ice, or gravity), and living organisms (plants and animals that live in the soil) interact. So, when soil scientists want to know how old a soil is, they look for clues. Though the climate affects how fast weathering and erosion occur, it is usually does not give many clues about how long a soil has been in a given spot. The landscape, parent materials and trees provide better clues. A soil cannot be younger than the oldest trees growing on it. It cannot be older than the materials in which it forms or the landscape on which it is found. Soil scientists work with geologists to determine how old the landscape is, and how long the parent materials have been there. Since most deposition of parent materials occurred before written history began, geologists make educated guesses, estimating the age of the landscape (and materials in it) relative to periods of known glaciation, volcanic activity, floods, and similar events. Soil scientists know that certain positions on the landscape tend to form more rapidly than others. More soil formation occurs on flat landscapes in upland positions than on slopes. Erosion on the slopes limits the rate of soil formation. Soil formation in lowland positions may be slowed by deposition of new materials on the surface by floods or gravity.


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