⟩ Tell me what was the most exciting volcano you’ve ever studied?
They are all exciting in their unique ways. I think that two specifically stand out for me, St. Helens and Erebus.
They are all exciting in their unique ways. I think that two specifically stand out for me, St. Helens and Erebus.
Explain what is more important - the number of likes/followers or engagement numbers? Why?
Tell me are you afraid of penguins or pandas?
Suppose you had to rate project management as a career, from 1-10 how would you rate it?
Tell us why do you love marketing?
Tell me where do you see yourself in five years’ time in the digital marketing sector?
Tell us what most attracted you to this digital marketing vacancy?
Tell me what do you enjoy most about working in digital marketing?
Tell me what creative problem solving techniques do you use?
Explain me through the main user group on your website and their user journey and what you’ve done to make it more effective?
Tell me how you would setup, track, and determine if a campaign was successful?