⟩ What ports does the Exchange server use?
A partial list of the ports your Exchange server might use is included below
* 25 SMTP
* 53 DNS
* 80 HTTP
* 88 Kerberos
* 102 X.400
* 110 POP3
* 119 NNTP
* 135 RPC
* 137 - NetBIOS Session Service
* 139 - NetBIOS Name Service
* 143 IMAP4
* 379 LDAP (SRS)
* 389 LDAP
* 443 HTTP (SSL)
* 445 - NetBIOS over TCP
* 465 SMTP (SSL)
* 563 NNTP (SSL)
* 636 LDAP (SSL)
* 691 LSA
* 993 IMAP4 (SSL)
* 994 IRC (SSL)
* 995 POP3 (SSL)
* 1503 T.120
* 1720 H.323
* 1731 Audio conferencing
* 1863 - MSN IM
* 3268 GC
* 3269 GC (SSL)
* 6001 Rpc/HTTP Exchange Store
* 6002 HTTP Exchange Directory Referral service
* 6004 Rpc/HTTP NSPI Exchange Directory Proxy service/Global Catalog
* 6667 IRC/IRCX
* 6891 - 6900 - MSN IM File transfer
* 6901 - MSN IM Voice
* 7801 - 7825 - MSN IM Voice