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⟩ Do you know how can third-party JDBC driver be used with JMS?

Web logic server supports the JDBC drivers that are included and with other databases as well. The JDBC drivers if not present then the JMS has to be created manually. If it is present then it just has to be included. The files that are used having .ddl extension that is located in weblogic/jms/ddl directory of the weblogic.jar file and this can be used as a template. The jar utility that is supplied can be extracted with JDK using the following command:

jar xf weblogic.jar weblogic/jms/ddl

After the extraction the drivers gets copied to the specified location and then they can be inserted in the application by going the console. This will automatically create the database tables for the JDBC store. This is easier to configure and provide better performance in compare to other methods.


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