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⟩ How to draw a line in a specific color?

IDISPLAY_DrawHLine() and IDISPLAY_DrawVLine() always draw lines in black. Therefore setting CLR_USER_LINE to the desired color and then invoking IDISPLAY_DrawHLine() or IDISPLAY_DrawVLine() will not work.

The definitions of these two IDISPLAY macros are below. To draw a line in a color other than black, use the code contained in the macro definition and change to the desired fill color.

#define IDISPLAY_DrawHLine(p,x,y,len)

{AEERect rc;SETAEERECT(&rc,(x),(y),(len),1); IDISPLAY_FillRect((p),&rc,


#define IDISPLAY_DrawVLine(p,x,y,len)

{AEERect rc;SETAEERECT(&rc,(x),(y),1,(len)); IDISPLAY_FillRect((p),&rc,



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