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⟩ Why does connect callback not timeout when service is lost (while attempting to connect) or the server does not respond?

This is due to a bug in the BREW version 1.0.1 SDK - connect callback is not invoked under the following circumstances:

Service is lost while connect is being attempted

Server does not respond

As a workaround, you should implement a timer in association with the callback. If the connect callback does not occur in 30 seconds, you should timeout the connection.

For example:

// initialize pMe->connectCBInvoked = FALSE;

// Set timer for 30 seconds before invoking ISOCKET_Connect()

ISHELL_SetTimer(pMe->a.m_pIShell, 30000, ConnectTimeout_CB, (void *)pMe);

ISOCKET_Connect(pMe->m_pISocket, nodeINAddr, AEE_htons(USAGE_TEST_PORT),

SampleApp_ConnectCB, pMe);

// Set flag indicating connect CB was called

void SampleApp_ConnectCB(void *cxt, int err) {

SampleApp *pMe = (SampleApp*)cxt;

// Set flag indicating connect CB was called

pMe->connectCbInvoked = TRUE;

if (err) {

DisplayOutput((IApplet*)pMe, 3, "Connect failed!");



DisplayOutput((IApplet*)pMe, 3, "Connected!");


// When timer expires, check if connect CB was invoked

static void ConnectTimeout_CB(void* cxt) {

SampleApp *pMe = (SampleApp *)cxt;

if(pMe->connectCbInvoked == FALSE) {

// Callback was not invoked within 30seconds - cancel connect callback

ISOCKET_Cancel(pMe->m_pISocket, 0, 0);

DisplayOutput((IApplet*) pMe, 3, "Connection timed out");


else {

// Callback invoked. Set flag to default value FALSE

pMe->connectCbInvoked = FALSE;



Note: Multiple TCP sockets are not supported on the Kyocera 3035. It allows one TCP socket and one UDP socket at a given time.


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