
Question and Answer:

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⟩ Technical News / Article Writers Interview Questions

☛ Challenges faced during information gathering?

☛ List of publication tools you have worked?

☛ Different between Ms Word and Framemaker?

☛ Different between Structured Framemaker and Unstructured Framemaker?

☛ Different between XML and HTML?

☛ Can you explain me the process involved in DDLC?

☛ Can you explain me the process involved in SDLC?

☛ How do DDLC and SDLC work parallel?

☛ How do you estimate time for documentation?

☛ What is topic based authoring?

☛ How do you interview SME’s?

☛ Challenges faced during interviewing SME’s?

☛ Have you worked on UML? or What is UML (Unified Modeling Language)?

☛ Have you worked on Video Editing? (Ex: Camtasia)

☛ Could you show me your sample documents?

☛ Different between active voice and passive voice?

☛ Different between which and that?

☛ Different between its and it’s?

☛ Different between there and their?

☛ Types of clauses? What is restrictive clause and non-restrictive clause?

☛ Types of commas?

☛ What do you mean by callout?

☛ What process do you follow for translation?

☛ Overview on Robohelp and MS Word?

☛ What is text conditioning?

☛ Review process involved in technical writing?

☛ Different between User Manual and User Guide?

☛ Have you worked on API documentation? (Only asked, if the project is related to API Documentation).

☛ Have you published any article?

☛ When do we use Organise and Organize?

☛ Different between your and you’re?


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