⟩ Tell me how to connect to database using Rational Robot?
- Create a script for single use testing.
- Make sure that data pools are created for appropriate databases.
- Edit the scripts that work well for huge amount of data.
- Create a script for single use testing.
- Make sure that data pools are created for appropriate databases.
- Edit the scripts that work well for huge amount of data.
How WinRunner evaluate test results?
Do you know what are the different modes of recording in WinRunner?
What is difference between QA, QC and Software Testing?
Explain Quality Assurance (QA)?
What is Quality Control (QC)?
Explain Software Testing?
When to start QA in a project?
What are verification and validation and difference between these two?
What is difference between Smoke testing and Sanity Testing?
What is destructive testing, and what are its benefits?