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⟩ How to incude or exclude the selenium rc test cases using xml in TestNG?

Including or excluding of selenium rc test cases using xml in TestNG can be done using the keywords include or exlude

For including a test case we need to use <include name="method name"/> under the class whichever the method you want to include

For excluding a test case we need to use <exclude name="method name"/> under the class whichever the method you want to include

For example if you have a class MercTestNgSuite in package com.src.testng want to include the methods like:

1. testLogin1

2. testFindFlights

3. testSelectFlights

4. testFillUserDetails

5. testVerifyFlightConf

and exclude

6. testLogout

the xml can be written as mentioned below.

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">

<suite thread-count="5" skipfailedinvocationCounts="false" verbose="1" name="MercPrj" junit="false" parallel="false" annotations="JDK">

<test verbose="2" name="com.src.testng.MercTestNgSuite" junit="false" annotations="JDK">


<class name="com.src.testng.MercTestNgSuite"/>


<include name="testLogin1"/>

<include name="testFindFlights"/>

<include name="testSelectFlights"/>

<include name="testFillUserDetails"/>

<include name="testVerifyFlightConf"/>

<exclude name="testLogout"/>





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