⟩ History related interview questions for Junior School Teacher
► Why do you want to be a history teacher?
► How would you make History interesting?
► Why teach history to children?
► What do you like about history?
► What will you do if you don't get the place here?
► If you have a paper from the 1870s (in the Wild West) about women's role within society, is it a primary source or a secondary source? Please explain your answer.
► What subject of history would you say you know best? They then asked me about it.
► What are the particular challenges of teaching history today?
► Briefly explain your dissertation's conclusion.
► What type of sources and historians did you use on your dissertation? Name one.
► What are your strengths and weaknesses in terms of the history National Curriculum?
► How do you feel about a skills-based vs a factual approach to teaching History?
► What history did you see in the school you visited?
► What particular challenges might Key Stage 3 pupils pose?
► What is it about your ideas that would motivate young people?