⟩ Tell me how would a former student describe you as a teacher?
This question is related to #3 so I don’t always ask these back-to-back. This question encourages the interviewee to discuss their strengths and abilities from a different perspective.
This question is related to #3 so I don’t always ask these back-to-back. This question encourages the interviewee to discuss their strengths and abilities from a different perspective.
How you have involved parent or career in their children's learning and development?
How have you previously promoted positive teamwork?
Why is this job nursery nurse suitable for you?
Why have you applied for this post?
Tell me are you planning on having children?
How many tennis balls can you fit into a Mercedes?
Suppose if you were an animal, which one you want to be?
What are your salary requirements?
Tell me what would your first 40, 50, or 60 days look like in this role?
Explain why you changed your career paths?