⟩ What is horizon Glass?
Horizon Glass is or Horizon Mirror half clear glass half mirror, on a sextant it allows the observer to view the horizon at the same time as a reflection of whatever is showing in the Index Mirror. Read more:
Horizon Glass is or Horizon Mirror half clear glass half mirror, on a sextant it allows the observer to view the horizon at the same time as a reflection of whatever is showing in the Index Mirror. Read more:
What you have got to offer as a teacher?
What you find difficult about teaching?
Would you able to manage/discipline a group of 35 pupils?
How you make your subject interesting to a class of uninterested low ability pupils?
What you think that extra-curricular activities are important?
Schools testing - is this good or bad?
How you cope with a very intensive course?
Do you have any questions about Teaching?
Why you applying for this particular teaching course?
Which were the qualities of a teacher you admired?