
Question and Answer:

  Home  Principal

⟩ Sample Principal Interview Questions

► Name five words that best describe you as an administrator.

► Give three reasons why you should be selected as the principal of our school.

► What are your immediate or short-term goals for our school? What are your five-year goals?

► Who do you involve in decision making issues?

► How do you evaluate student work and how do you know whether that work meets standard?

► How do you evaluate teachers and other staff? What are your criteria?

► Explain your view of work ethics.

► How do you monitor staff as their compliance with the Georgia Teacher Code of Ethics?

► What role would the business community serve in a school under your supervision?

► Describe your involvement in community and civic activities.

► Describe the best teacher you know. Describe the best parent you know. Describe the best student you know.

► How do you measure the success of a school?

► What are the steps you follow in dealing with a child that is not demonstrating success? Who do you involve and when?

► Describe your most successful experience as a principal.

► Describe you worst experience as a principal.


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